Save time and money with ai

Helping Businesses Build The Future With AI
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The future of work

The future is not now. it was yesterday

Businesses that hesitate to integrate AI risk falling behind in a market that increasingly rewards data-driven decision-making and automation. AI unlocks new levels of productivity, uncovers insights hidden in data and creates hyper personalised customer experiences like never before.

The future of work is AI powered. See for yourself ↗
Higher Quality of Work
Efficiency of Work
More Work Completed


I have the pleasure of collaborating with Nofil Khan, Director of Time x Money, and I must say, he is one of the most knowledgeable and insightful AI consultants I have ever worked with. Nofil is a thought leader I trust and tap into. He is always willing to share his knowledge and soundboard with others. I highly recommend Nofil and his company to anyone looking to start adopting generative AI and AI in general. You are in safe hands with him.
Steve Deliën
Chief Technology Architect, SAP
Much of what I learned I’ve learned through Nofil and his outstanding output. I organised a talk at work which was inspiring and educational, got so many conversations going and helped add to the momentum I have created already to enable an GenAI future at my organisation.
Jo Pforr
Product & Innovation Lead, Australian Payments Plus
I read these newsletters out loud to my husband while we have coffee in the morning. It's a ritual that helps us have provoking (and sober) conversations around technology and the future. Thanks for these.
The cutest testimonial I've ever gotten


What we do


Worried you'll lose your job because your boss doesn't believe in AI? Let me come in and blow his puny brain away. Need to upskill your workers on how to use AI, best practices and tools? I've got you covered.
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Learn how AI can transform your business with the most advanced, state-of-the-art techniques and processes for building with AI. We're chronically online so you don't have to be.
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Build entire, market ready products, SAAS businesses or tools within 4-8 weeks. You could change an industry, or build an entirely new one in mere months.
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future thinkers

We work with Future Thinkers. Leaders. Innovators.

Will you survive the AI revolution?

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